
Author: William Shakespeare

Genre: Drama


King Cymbeline had plans to arrange the marriage between his daughter Imogen and his son-in-law C ...

While on his way to Rome, Posthumus meets Iachimo, who is heading to Britain, and the two make a bet: If Iachimo can seduce Imogen and provide proof of her adultery, Posthumus must hand over his ring.

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Dramatis Personae
ACT 1 (SCENE I) - Britain. The garden of Cymbeline’s palace.
SCENE II. The same.
SCENE III. Britain. Cymbeline’s palace.
SCENE III. Britain. A public place.
SCENE IV. Britain. Cymbeline’s palace.
SCENE V. Rome. Philario’s house.
SCENE VI. Britain. Cymbeline’s palace.
SCENE VII. Britain. The palace.
ACT 2 - SCENE I. Britain. Before Cymbeline’s palace.
SCENE II. Britain. Imogen’s bedchamber in Cymbeline’s palace; a trunk in one corner.
SCENE III. Cymbeline’s palace. An ante-chamber adjoining Imogen’s apartments.
SCENE IV. Rome. Philario’s house.
SCENE V. Rome. Another room in Philario’s house.
ACT 3 - SCENE I. Britain. A hall in Cymbeline’s palace.
SCENE II. Britain. Another room in Cymbeline’s palace.
SCENE III. Wales. A mountainous country with a cave.
SCENE IV. Wales, near Milford Haven.
SCENE V. Britain. Cymbeline’s palace.
SCENE VI. Wales. Before the cave of Belarius.
SCENE VII. The same.
SCENE VIII. Rome. A public place.
ACT 4 - SCENE I. Wales. Near the cave of Belarius.
SCENE II. Wales. Before the cave of Belarius.
SCENE IV. Wales. Before the cave of Belarius.
ACT 5 - SCENE I. Britain. The Roman camp.
SCENE II. Britain. A field of battle between the British and Roman camps.
SCENE III. Another part of the field.
SCENE IV. Britain. A prison.
SCENE V. Britain. Cymbeline’s tent.
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