The Secret Garden

Author: Frances Hodgson Burnett

Genre: Fiction


Mary’s parents fall ill and die, forcing her to be transplanted from India to the English c ...

Thus begins The Secret Garden, a children’s book with an unusually dense collection of themes, symbols, and motifs. Mary’s personal development mirrors her unraveling the secret of the hidden garden, and a subtle backdrop of magical realism adds a mysterious air to the proceedings.

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There Is No One Left
Mistress Mary Quite Contrary
Across the Moor
The Cry in the Corridor
“There Was Some One Crying⁠—There Was!”
The Key of the Garden
The Robin Who Showed the Way
The Strangest House Anyone Ever Lived In
The Nest of the Missel Thrush
“Might I Have a Bit of Earth?”
“I Am Colin”
A Young Rajah
Nest Building
“I Won’t!” Said Mary
A Tantrum
“Tha’ Munnot Waste No Time”
“It Has Come!”
“I Shall Live Forever⁠—and Ever⁠—and Ever!”
Ben Weatherstaff
When the Sun Went Down
“Let Them Laugh”
The Curtain
“It’s Mother!”
In the Garden
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