Date Night Ideas for Busy Parents: Keeping the Romance Alive After Kids

Having kids is not a complete stop to your romantic life and the things that you planned earlier. As couples become parents, they mostly agree to an agreement that it's the end of that relationship that they promised each other just because they now have kids.


Moreover, the part is that this agreement never takes place verbally, so it looks more like a mutual understanding, which causes nothing but misunderstanding. Anything that affects your relationship with your partner always affects the parent-child relationship, too.


So, ultimately, the sacrifice you thought you made for your kids takes your turn. Hence, keeping your romance alive with no mother and fatherhood guilt is better.


However, the way you can romance may change after you become a parent. So, in this blog, we will explore three date night ideas for parents who are busy in their everyday lives.

Schedule Movie Nights

While movie dates may not be possible when you have kids (at least the romantic ones), you can opt for at-home movie nights. However, schedule it and not make a plan out of nowhere. As busy parents, scheduling is the key to any romantic moment you want to have.


Once your kids are off to their beds and sleep, turn on your TV and navigate to the romantic movie you can find together. However, sticking to romantic ones is not mandatory; you can choose either genre.


But, for a romantic date, romantic movies work well. A tip you can follow here is to watch any nostalgic movie you have memories about, like a movie you watched for the first time when you were dating or something similar. It will take you back to your good old days and make your moments worth remembering.

Be Creative With The Foreplay

We don't know where it has come from, but as soon as kids grow up, parents restrict their intimate moments to just physical intercourse. So, over time, it becomes boring and can lead to unaffectionate behavior.


Hence, to preserve it, you can try new ways of foreplay. For example, you can schedule an intimate date night themed on games. So, you can play a game before you start physical intercourse. But what kind of a game?


You can play a game as simple as truth and dare where you can dare your partner to strip one piece of cloth at once, and the partner will do the same.

What about a romantic night out?

If your kids' grandparents live with you or in the same city, it's the best thing to do on a date night. You and your partner are in the car alone, driving to a popular location, having dinner, and fun. Sounds Great? But it's not done yet.


You can make it even more fun by visiting a nightclub where you can dance and have drinks together. It's something beyond just intimacy, so it's great to do it on weekends when you don't feel like getting into physical fun.

To Sum Up

Romance in a husband-wife relationship is important, and it can't be put aside by saying we don't have time or it's not needed now. The ideas we have mentioned above are best for couples who are now parents, as these ideas also take care of your kids. So, be romantic with no guilt if you want your relationship to be perfectly built. 

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