Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you've ever felt stress or anxiety due to the fast-paced demands of modern life, you're not alone. These are the things that are becoming common nowadays. But it doesn't mean that you make yourself used to it. Instead, you can put them off your mind with meditation.


Meditation is a simple yet powerful tool to help you find peace and clarity in your chaotic life. Supported by research, mindfulness reduces stress, improves focus, and enhances overall well-being. In this beginner's guide, we'll explore what meditation is and how to practice it. Moreover, we will also look at its role in mindfulness and well-being.

Step-by-step Guide to Meditation

Let's now look at how you can meditate for mindfulness very simply from day one.

1.    Just Sit

The first step is as simple as just sitting. But there are a few things to make sure like where you are sitting and how you are sitting. Sit on the ground in a quiet place where there is no noise coming. Also, while sitting on the ground with crossed legs is suggested you change it to sitting on a chair or some other way you want to sit. But make sure you can sit in the same position for the time you have put a timer.

2.    Put a timer

Now, set a timer for the meditation for as much time as you want to meditate. But the lower limit for it is five minutes. So, at least put a timer on for five minutes. If you have more time to give then it's great.

3.    Focus on Your Breath

It's time to close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath. Notice the sensation of air flowing in and out of your nostrils or the rise and fall of your chest and abdomen. There is no need to control your breath; simply observe it as it naturally occurs. As thoughts or distractions arise, gently bring your focus back to your breath without judgment.

4.    Be present and don't be judgy

Mindfulness is all about not thinking about anything. So, try to feel the same way, empty of all thoughts. However, doing it the first time, you may get showered with a lot of distinct thoughts and emotions. Instead of judging yourself on receiving these thoughts and being frustrated, you can better try to dodge them one by one.


This is how you meditate in just four simple steps.


Pro Tip: Start with less time so that you don't need to force it on yourself. Gradually increase the meditation time if you can as you'll become used to it and it'll be easier for you after a few days.

Summing Up

Mindfulness in today's time is more of an asset. If you own it then you'll be able to make most things possible because you have a mind with a 100% capacity. However, there are things to consider when you start meditating.


For example, on day one be very kind to yourself and don't think about why it's feeling so hard if it does. The better way is to start with only five minutes but do it every day. 

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